Accepted Payment Methods
PayPal: the most convenient payment method in the world
Shopping on KOPPACE Store is safe, fast and convenient. To make life easier, we accept Paypal as the secure payment method designed to be completely safe and friendly.
Paying with PayPal

Purchase protection around the globe. Buy around the globe. Paypal processes 25 currencies in over 200 markets to make sending, spending, and selling simple and secure.
If you don't receive the item that you ordered, or it shows up significantly different from its description, you may qualify for Purchase Protection, and Paypal will reimburse you for the full purchase price plus any original shipping costs, subject to terms and limitations. If you are charged for a transaction that you didn't make, let us know within 60 days, and Paypal has got you covered.
Payments processed using PayPal will be charged immediately (as opposed to when your order ships). PayPal will automatically select your default Shipping Address. You may choose another if you wish, or update this upon your return to paypal's Web Site.
When you shop at KOPPACE, your privacy and online security are always guaranteed.
PayPal Credit may now only be accessed from within your PayPal Account. If you have not yet merged the two, you will need to create an account. To learn more please click here.
A number of secure payment methods are coming soon!